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Karen Calfas Polarek Knock Around Campership Fund

Karen Calfas Polarek Knock Around Campership Fund

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Karen Calfas Polarek Knock Around Campership Fund

Help give families in financial need the opportunity to attend Knock Around Camp.

Karen Calfas Polarek Knock Around Campership Fund

Karen Calfas Polarek, former Executive Director of Student Health and Wellbeing at UC San Diego, was a longtime mentor and friend of the Knock Around Camp. Her two children, Jonathan and Jordan, attended camp for years. Karen was a huge supporter of Knock Around and oversaw its growth and evolution while serving as the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Wellness. Karen was passionate about helping students, staff and faculty become the best version of themselves. Her kindness, generosity and inspiring nature will be greatly missed by everyone at Knock Around Camp.

Karen Calfas Polarek February 28, 1962 – March 7, 2019

To honor Karen, we created the Karen Calfas Polarek Knock Around Campership Fund in her memory. This fund will provide financial support to one or more families interested in sending their children to Knock Around Camp for the summer.

Knock Around Camp is more than just a summer camp – it is a place where kids can be kids, where relationships are built between campers and counselors, where old school games like hide-and-go-seek and kick the can never go out of style. Not everyone is lucky enough to attend a camp like Knock Around, but with your help we’ll be able to reach the kids that need it most.

Just think of the impact even one summer at camp can have on a child’s life. Our goal is to raise $25,000 by December 31, 2020 in order to turn the Karen Calfas Polarek Knock Around Campership Fund into an endowed fund, which would allow Knock Around to award $1,000 in scholarships annually in perpetuity.

Please help us to honor Karen and her family by providing that same experience to other children who might not be able to attend. It might just change their life!

Questions? Please contact Tiffany Ayres, Associate Director of Development, at or 407.719.1823.


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